Frentzel House with Heimatstube Schwarzkollm
The present Frentzel House (a former stable) was finished in the year� 1998, which had developed more and more in the years before to the centre of social village life.
Village clubs have here their domicile;�there is a Heimatstube with diverse exhibitions about the themes art and history. The adult education Hoyerswerda maintains a branch in this building that also contributes to the diversity of cultural life in Schwarzkollm.
The Frentzel House is named after Salomon Gottlob Frentzel, who was born in the predessor house and later wrote later as vicar in Geierswalde the "Chronik ... der Stadt und Herrschaft Hoyerswerda" (Chronicles .. the town and lordship Hoyerswerda); nearly the only local history basis from those times.�
Information is available at the Ortsteilverwaltung:
Ortsteil Schwarzkollm
02977 Hoyerswerda
Dorfstra�e 75
Tel.: (0 35 71) 45 61 60
Fax: (0 35 71) 45 61 60